What Does A Good Asphalt Paving Job Look Like?

Key Takeaways:

  • A good paving contractor will ensure proper thickness, use compaction techniques, and provide a smooth surface.
  • Water drainage and edge restraint are essential considerations for successful asphalt paving.
  • Detailed aspects and measurements must be taken into consideration for longevity and durability.
  • If you’re looking to hire a reputable paving contractor, make sure to research and ask for references.

You have decided to have your driveway or parking lot asphalt paved, and now you are wondering what a good paving job looks like. Not everyone is an expert in asphalt paving, so what should you be looking for to ensure a job well done?

Here at Laurel Asphalt, we believe a few key elements make for a successful asphalt paving project. Let’s see.

How to Know Your Asphalt Paving Was Good?

It can be difficult to know if your newly laid asphalt pavement job was done well when you’re not an expert. But fear not; we’re here to provide you with some key indicators of a good paving job.

1. Stable foundation

Foundation work in asphalt paving is crucial for long-term durability and stability. This includes compacting the subgrade, removing debris and roots, and adequately placing a base layer before paving. Without this integral factor, your asphalt pavement will not hold its integrity, and you can expect it to crumble and crack sooner rather than later. A compacted rock base and smooth, even asphalt surface are tell-tale signs of a solid foundation.

2. Pavement thickness

The thickness of the overlay can decide many things for your pavement. For starters, it directly affects its longevity and how well it can handle heavy traffic and weight. A thicker asphalt overlay also contributes to a smoother driving surface, which has some perks.

Consider its expected weight and traffic when deciding how thick to overlay your asphalt. To check if your paving contractor has done an excellent job, check your overlay to be between 2 and 4 inches thick, depending on the expected stress.

3. Water drainage

Standing water can lead to cracks and potholes in asphalt, so proper drainage is crucial for a good paving job. If the paving contractor has done well, you should see a slight slope to the asphalt surface, allowing water to run off efficiently. You can incorporate drainage systems under the asphalt to ensure proper water management with advanced techniques. And remember, it’s not just about saving your pavement from water but also about keeping the surrounding environment safe.

4. Edgework

A smooth transition is vital for a successful asphalt paving job, and that’s where edge work comes into play. This refers to how the edges of the asphalt meet with adjacent surfaces, such as concrete or curbs. The edges should be neat and precise, with no jagged edges sticking out. This incredible display of work says a lot about your asphalt pavement which now looks like a professional, well-put-together masterpiece.

5. Quality materials

Another aspect of a successful asphalt paving job is the quality of materials used. Using low-quality materials can lead to cracks, holes, and overall deterioration of the asphalt much sooner than expected. To ensure a stable paving job, always choose high-quality materials. You can inspect or inquire with your paving contractor about the materials they plan on using before starting the work or where they plan on sourcing them.

6. Using proper mix designs

Not all asphalt mix designs are created equal. Different mix designs have varying levels of durability and resistance to various weather conditions, traffic, and weight. Working with a paving contractor who is experienced and knowledgeable in selecting the appropriate mix design for your specific project needs is essential.

7. Details and measurements matter

Good asphalt paving involves precise measurements and attention to detail. This includes correctly measuring the thickness of the asphalt layers, accurately calculating the width and length of the pavement, and properly compacting the asphalt to ensure a sturdy and long-lasting finish. Once your asphalt pavement is complete, a smooth surface and clean edges are important indicators of quality work.

Asphalt paving job

How to Hire a Good Paving Contractor?

You can do a few things before hiring a paving contractor to ensure you’re getting a quality job.

Check the contractor’s experience

Experience can’t be faked, so make it your duty to see how much experience your contractor has. You can ask them, check their website, or even ask for references from previous customers. Remember, the more adept and experienced they are, the better job they’ll do. So don’t get yourself mesmerized with only the lowest bid.

Check the contractor’s license and insurance

Checking if your paving contractor has proper licensure will help you choose a credible company and save you from potential fraud. You should also ensure that they have insurance, as it protects you and the contractor from any accidents or damages during the paving process. Now you will not be held liable for any accidents on the worksite.

Inquire about the materials they plan on using

Asphalt is not a one size fits all material. The type and quality of asphalt being used can significantly affect the longevity and durability of your pavement. Furthermore, the mix, thickness, and compaction of the asphalt affect how long your pavement will last. These characteristics also differ from client to client. For example, suppose you want your residential driveway to last 20 years. In that case, the asphalt mixture and compaction may be different than if you were paving a heavily trafficked road or commercial parking lot.

Check or ask for references

Just like any job, make sure you check out the paving contractor’s past work and references. Ask around your community for recommendations, and look for online reviews. A good paving contractor will have a solid reputation and a portfolio of successful projects.

Ending Note:

A good asphalt paving job should have a smooth surface, proper drainage and compaction, and longevity. Follow our tips and trust your gut to find a reliable contractor who will give you the best results for your project.

Speaking of a good contractor, Laurel Asphalt, serving Ligonier, PA, can get the job done right! We excel in residential and commercial asphalt paving and have been in business for over 25 years. Our experts follow a strict quality assurance program and only use top-notch materials for every project. Contact us for a free estimate today!

Myth Buster Of Asphalt Paving And Compaction: Winter Durability

Key Takeaways:

1. Asphalt paving and compaction are vital factors in ensuring the winter durability of roads, parking lots, and other paved surfaces.

2. The myths, such as cold weather affecting asphalt paving or compaction, are – myths.

3. Understanding the processes of asphalt paving and compaction will help ensure that your roads and parking lots are safe and durable all year round.

4. Hire only the best paving contractors to ensure that your asphalt paving and compaction are correctly and effectively done.

With that sense of urgency and worry on the minds of many asphalt paving contractors (as well as homeowners), one big myth continues to persist – that winter weather is detrimental to pavement durability. But the truth is that your pavement can survive even the harshest winters with proper asphalt compaction techniques and winter-specific paving methods.

Laurel Asphalt is here to discuss some common myths about asphalt paving and compaction in winter and how they are only partially related.

Let’s look at some common asphalt compacting myths in winter.

1. Asphalt paving is a cold weather activity

One of the most typical myths about asphalt paving is that it can only be done in cold weather. This is not true. Asphalt can be paved in various weather conditions, including hot and humid weather, as long as the temperature is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However, with other specialized methods, some paving contractors can even lay asphalt in much colder temperatures.

2. Winter asphalt paving is more complicated than summer asphalt paving

While it is true that winter asphalt paving can be more challenging than summer asphalt paving, it is not necessarily more complex. Cold weather can make it more difficult to achieve the proper compaction of the asphalt. Still, with the appropriate equipment and techniques, winter asphalt paving can be just as successful as summer asphalt paving. The use of additives that help maintain the viscosity of the asphalt in cold temperatures can also make winter asphalt paving more manageable.

3. Winter asphalt paving is more expensive than summer asphalt paving

The cost of winter asphalt paving is typically the same as the cost of summer asphalt paving. The main difference is that winter asphalt paving may require special equipment, such as heated screeds, to achieve the proper asphalt compaction. However, that’s not your headache, as you can quickly leave it to your paving contractor.

4. Winter asphalt pavements are more likely to crack than summer ones

Cracking is a common issue with all types of pavement regardless of the season it was paved. However, winter pavements are not necessarily more likely to crack than summer pavements. Properly constructed and maintained winter pavements can be just as durable as summer pavements. When it comes to asphalt compaction in winter, you must be wary about using the wrong equipment or techniques, which can lead to cracking and other durability problems.

5. Winter asphalt pavements require less maintenance than summer asphalt pavements

All types of pavement require regular maintenance to stay in good condition. Winter pavements are no different and should be inspected and repaired regularly, just like any other type of pavement. Care is an essential factor that follows asphalt paving, no matter which season you’re talking about. Each kind of weather requires a certain degree of maintenance that cannot be overlooked.

For instance, during monsoon season, when the roads are often wet and slippery, applying a layer of sand or salt is essential to help reduce the risk of accidents.

Some Best Practices for Asphalt Compaction during Winter

Temperature maintenance for asphalt

When it’s colder, you must ensure that your asphalt is delivered to the paving site at temperatures above freezing. The asphalt temperature should be maintained at the recommended range’s higher end. Your paving contractor must make it a habit to use insulated beds, tarps, and heaters on delivery trucks to keep the asphalt warm until it is ready to be laid down.

Maintaining continuous speed

In Greensburg, PA (where winters can be harsh and lethal), you have to make sure that your asphalt is laid down at a continuous speed and smoothly. The asphalt tends to cool quickly when not moving, so keeping the paving machine on the move is essential. Otherwise, when it comes time for compaction, you will find that the asphalt needs to respond better, and some voids can be seen in your finished project.

Increase the mat thickness

Laying and asphalt compacting in thinner, multiple layers can help to increase the overall durability of your asphalt paving. This is because you can establish a more robust and continuous base layer that will withstand the elements and heavy loads better. Additionally, by spreading out the asphalt over multiple layers, you will be able to ensure that it is uniformly and quickly compacted.

Optimum density in a shorter time

Another critical factor to consider when paving your asphalt is the density of the asphalt. Achieving optimal density in a shorter time can help ensure that your asphalt paving can withstand heavy traffic loads and the elements. This is often accomplished using a paving contractor with specialized equipment, such as large-sized roller compactors that can evenly and quickly compact the asphalt layer.

Warm mix additives

Paving contractors often need to consider the benefits of using warm mix asphalt. Using warm mix additives can help improve your asphalt’s durability and performance by maintaining the temperature at as high as 170 degrees Fahrenheit while also reducing the amount of fuel required to produce it.


Ending Note:

The winter season is one of the most challenging times for asphalt paving. However, by understanding the fundamental principles behind asphalt compaction and using a paving contractor with specialized equipment, you can ensure that your asphalt paving projects are durable and perform well even in the harshest winter conditions. Leave your worries in the hand of a professional paving contractor who knows what they’re doing.

Paving Contractor in Greensburg, PA!

Laurel Asphalt, serving Greensburg, PA, is your ultimate source for high-quality asphalt paving, maintenance, and repair services. With specialized equipment and years of experience, we are committed to delivering exceptional results that will stand the test in even the harshest winter conditions.

Whether it’s a private driveway, major road, or highway, we know the proper techniques and materials to ensure that your paving project is durable, long-lasting, and performs sound year after year. So why wait?

Get in touch or get a free estimate now.

Recurring Cycle Of Pothole Repair: How To Slow It Down?

Key Takeaway:

  1. Potholes form from water seepage, heavy machinery, and tree roots.
  2. Potholes can cause damage to your vehicle and be expensive to repair.
  3. You can prevent them by maintaining your asphalt parking lot and ensuring proper drainage.
  4. Asphalt repair is a temporary solution, and the best way to fix potholes is to address the root cause of the problem.
  5. Hire a professional asphalt pavement contractor to help maintain your parking lot and prevent potholes from forming. Request a free quote today!

Do you have a driveway or parking lot? If so, you know that potholes can be a big problem. They can cause damage to your property and your vehicle and make it hard to get around. On top of that, they are a recurring problem for home and business owners alike.

You’re likely familiar with the recurring problem of potholes. You patch them up, only for them to reappear a few weeks or months later. So, what is this recurrent cycle, and is there anything that can be done to slow it down? Laurel Asphalt offers a guide on the recurring problem of potholes and what steps you can take to solve them for good.

What are Potholes, and How are They Formed?

Potholes are a problem that dates back to the 15th and 16 centuries. You could say that with the creation of roads, they also came into existence. Pottery makers at the time would often dig up roads to get to the rich clay underneath. They were given the name by teamsters of coaches and wagon drivers in the U.K.

Today, potholes refer to depression in road surfaces. Although no pottery makers dig up the ground to get clay, they are formed due to natural causes. Potholes form when water seeps into small cracks in the pavement. This water then freezes and expands during cold weather, which causes the cracks to grow larger. When cars drive over these cracks, they widen and deepen, eventually forming a pothole.

Potholes can have different sizes and shapes. While they may seem minor, potholes can cause severe damage to your car. They can bend rims, shatter tires, or even break axles and be a significant threat to your vehicle suspension. In addition, potholes can cause accidents. U.S. Drivers face $3 billion worth of damages every year due to it.

Why Do They Keep Coming Back?

If you have owned a parking lot or driveway for a long time, you might know how stubborn potholes can be. No matter how many potholes repairs you get, they always come back. You could say potholes aren’t problems but symptoms of significant issues in your driveways and parking lot. Here are some of the causes which result in their formation.

1. The Weather

Water is the main culprit behind the formation of potholes. When water seeps into cracks on the pavement surface, it expands and weakens the ground beneath the asphalt. It makes it more susceptible to breaking and forming potholes when vehicles drive over it.

2. Poor Drainage

If a parking lot or driveway doesn’t have proper drainage, water will pool on its surface. It can lead to the formation of potholes over time.

You could consider having a paving contractor look at your property to assess the drainage and make recommendations for improvement.

3. Lack of A Seal Coat

Seal coating is a preventative measure that helps protect asphalt from damage caused by water, U.V. rays, and chemicals. Without it, pavements are more likely to develop cracks and potholes.

Now might be a good time if you haven’t had your pavement seal coated in a while. A professional paving contractor can help determine if seal coating is suitable for your property.

4. Heavy Traffic

The more vehicles that drive over pavement, the more wear and tear they will experience. It could also result due to constant parking of heavy-duty vehicles. It can eventually lead to the formation of cracks and potholes.

5. Tree roots

Tree roots can also cause potholes. As trees grow, their roots push against the pavement, causing cracks to form. Over time, these cracks get bigger and turn into potholes.

Although tree roots can be removed for a quick time, fix, they can eventually grow back, leading to recurring pothole formation.

How To Solve Recurring Potholes?

You can always fix potholes with simple asphalt paving, which can patch them up.

Pothole repairs can be costly either you solve the problem yourself or hire a pavement contractor. Here are some ways that can help keep your driveways and parking lots free from potholes for a long time:

Recurring Cycle of Pothole Repair: How to Slow it Down?

1. Seal Coating Is Best for Winter

Winter is coming. And with it, the freezing and thawing of water create havoc on your pavement. But you can minimize the effects by seal coating your parking lot or driveway before winter sets in. It will help to fill any existing cracks and prevent new ones from forming.

The seal coat will form a barrier between the asphalt and the external environment, making it hard for water and debris to seep in, keeping your asphalt safe.

2. Asphalt Maintenance is Key

The problem with asphalt is that it requires maintenance to keep it in good condition.

The best way to keep your asphalt in tip-top shape is to have it professionally cleaned and sealed every two to three years.

You can do this yourself, but it’s best to leave it to professionals with the right equipment and know-how to do a good job. You will be free from asphalt repairs for years to come with proper maintenance.

3. Reducing Factors That Result in Problem

As potholes occur due to poor drainage, heavy vehicle, machinery, tree roots, etc., a great way to fix problems is to focus on repairs and fixing the causes.

You could limit heavy-duty machinery in your parking lot and remove tree stumps near them to reduce the chances of pothole formation. For solving issues relating to water, a proper seal coat and asphalt surface inspection can help fix the problem.

Also Read: Your Concise Guide to Utility Potholing


Potholes are a problem we all face. But by taking the proper measures, you can quickly fix them and even prevent their re-occurrence. Asphalt repair might seem like a pain, but with the appropriate guidance, it can be done smoothly!

If you’re in Mt. Pleasant, PA, and facing pothole issues, consider contacting us. At Laurel Asphalts, we have professionals that can not only offer pothole repairs but can help with pothole-related other problems.

We can level your parking lot or driveway surface through top-of-the-line residential and commercial asphalt paving. You can also get a high-quality seal coat on your asphalt pavement from us.

Get in touch with us for a free estimate on your asphalt project.

How Do I Make My Asphalt Parking Lot ADA-Compliant?

Key Takeaways:

  • The ADA is a set of civil rights laws that safeguard individuals with disabilities from discrimination.
  • The ADA also requires businesses and other organizations to provide appropriate accommodations to individuals with disabilities.
  • To make an asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant, you will need to designate a certain number of handicap-accessible parking spaces and install signage indicating the location of these spaces.
  • Parking lots must be level to meet ADA requirements.
  • Use a laser level to check for irregularities.
  • A non-slip surface is important for safety and will make the parking lot easier to maintain.
  • Accessible parking spots should be near the property entrance and indicate that only handicapped individuals can park there.
  • You will also need at least five feet of space on either side of the spot for wheelchair users. This is so people can easily get in and out of their cars.

Making an asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ll explain everything to make your parking lot accessible for all. We will cover handicapped parking spaces, surfaces, and signage. We will also discuss the ADA and what it means for business owners. By following our guidelines, you can make your asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant and ensure everyone has access to your property!

What to Know about ADA?

The Americans with Disabilities Act represents a set of civil rights laws that safeguard individuals with disabilities from discrimination. The ADA prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including employment, education, transportation, and access to public facilities. The ADA also requires businesses and other organizations to provide appropriate accommodations to individuals with disabilities.

To make your asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant, you will need to designate a certain number of handicap-accessible parking spaces, depending on the size of your lot. You will also need to install signage indicating the location of these spaces and provide a smooth, level surface leading from the parking space to the building entrance.

If you have an existing asphalt parking lot that does not meet these requirements, you will need to make some modifications. Here’s what to do:

How Do I Make My Asphalt Parking Lot ADA-Compliant?

Level the Ground

The first step to making your asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant is to ensure the ground is level. Uneven pavement can create trip hazards for people with disabilities, so it’s important to ensure that the surface is level and even throughout. You can check for irregularities with a laser level or transit. Once you’ve identified any areas that need to be adjusted, use a power trowel or hand-held tamper to level out the ground.

If there are any large cracks or holes in the pavement, you’ll need to fill them in before proceeding. Use a cold patch material or hot asphalt to fill in defects, and then use a tamper to compact the area. Once the surface is level and smooth, you can paint stripes or markings to designate accessible parking spaces, wheelchair ramps, and other accessible features.

Create a Non-Slip Surface

One way to make your asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant and safer for everyone is to create a non-slip surface. You can accomplish this by texturing the asphalt or adding a seal coat. A textured surface will provide more traction. A seal coat will create a barrier protecting the asphalt from weather damage and wear. Another option is to add a layer of gravel or stone chips to the surface of the asphalt. This will create a non-slip surface that will be durable and easy to maintain.

Have Handicapped Parking Spots Near the Entrance

Ensure to have handicapped parking spots near the entrance of your property. This will ensure that people with disabilities can park close to the building and easily access the entrance. You should also have a sign that indicates that these spots are for disabled individuals only.

If you have a large parking lot, you may consider having a designated handicapped parking area. This area should be close to the building’s entrance and have easy access to sidewalks or ramps. The designated accessible parking area should also have signage that indicates that it is for disabled individuals only.

Make the Parking Spots Wide Enough

Ensure that your parking spots are wide enough. ADA requires that all parking spaces be at least eight feet wide. This may seem like a lot, but achieving this width is not as difficult as you think. You can restripe your parking lot, so the spaces are wider than before. You will also need at least five feet of space on either side of the spot for wheelchair users. This is so people can easily get in and out of their cars.

The Lines Must Be Prominent and Visible

The lines must be prominent and visible so drivers can easily see where they need to park. They also need to be thick enough to be seen from a distance. If the lines are not visible, it will be difficult for drivers to know where to park.

You must paint the lines with a reflective material so they can be seen at night. This is important because many people who have disabilities need to use their car at night.

The lines must be placed in such a way that there is enough space for wheelchair users to get in and out of their cars. The lines must also be placed so wheelchair users can easily access the sidewalk.

How will ADA Compliance Benefit Your Business?

ADA compliance will also benefit your business. Many people with disabilities stay at home because they cannot find businesses accessible to them.

If you make your business accessible, you can tap into a new customer base. People with disabilities have spending power, and they patronize businesses that are accessible to them.

ADA compliance will also make your business more attractive to employees. Many people with disabilities want to work but cannot find employers willing to make the necessary accommodations. To attract the best and brightest employees, you must show that you are an inclusive employer.

ADA compliance shows that you are committed to providing equal access to all of your customers. This can help you attract new customers and keep the ones you already have.

ADA compliance can also help you avoid lawsuits. If someone with a disability is injured on your property because it was not ADA-compliant, you could be sued.


Making your asphalt parking lot ADA-compliant is necessary to ensure that all visitors to your business or facility have equal access to your services. Making these modifications will provide a safe and accessible environment for all.

Check out our blog post about why you need to start fixing potholes.

ADA-compliant parking lots are important for businesses to ensure everyone can access their services. Laurel Asphalt, serving Bedford, is experienced in creating and maintaining ADA-compliant parking lots, making us the ideal company for this type of service. We’ll work with you to create a parking lot that meets all the ADA requirements, ensuring that your business is accessible to everyone.

Get a Free Estimate Today!

Key Takeaways:

  • Decorative stamped asphalt is a type of asphalt used for decorative purposes.
  • It can be used for hardscapes, driveways, patios, and more.
  • There are many benefits to using decorative stamped asphalt, including its durability and ability to withstand weather and wear and tear.
  • Ideas for hardscaping include stamping it, staining the asphalt, and using acrylic colors.
  • Always choose an experienced pro when it comes to decorative stamped asphalt.

There’s something about decorative and stamped asphalt that makes it appealing for homeowners. Maybe it’s the fact that you can create any pattern or design you want or that it never looks outdated. Whatever the reason, using decorative and stamped asphalt is a great way to add some pizzazz to your hardscape! Here are a few ideas by Laurel Asphalt to get you started.​

Why Is Asphalt the Right Choice for Construction & Hardscaping?

Asphalt is a popular choice for construction and hardscaping because it is durable, long-lasting, and easy to maintain. It can also be decorated, stamped, and colored to create any design you want! Asphalt is excellent for driveways, sidewalks, patios, and more.

Advantages Of Stamped and Decorative Asphalt:

Stamped asphalt offers many advantages over other materials, including reduced maintenance requirements, a long lifespan, and cheaper costs. Additionally, it’s fantastic for those who live in colder areas.

Since heated asphalt softens, imprinting a variety of patterns is easy and improves the material’s overall resilience. The surface gains an astonishing degree of toughness as a result. Additionally, stamped asphalt blends cutting-edge coating technologies with the durability and adaptability of asphalt.

It can resist wear and tear from traffic and extreme weather conditions and provide a better vehicle grip. It also doesn’t require a lot in the way of maintenance, which is ideal for busy homeowners. A yearly sealcoating is usually all needed to keep it looking its best. Additionally, the installation process is short so that you may have a durable, reasonably priced surface in a few days.

Factors To Consider Before Thinking About Asphalt Stamping:

If you are considering stamped asphalt for your hardscape, then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, it is essential to consider the environment and temperature. Stamped asphalt is not recommended for areas with hot climates because the heat can cause the stamps to fade.

Second, you should factor in the cost. Stamped asphalt is more expensive than regular, but it is worth the investment if you want a unique and beautiful hardscape.

Finally, you need to consider the installation. Stamped asphalt is more challenging to install than regular asphalt, so you must be sure you have a professional installer.

The Joy of Using Decorative & Stamped Asphalt for Hardscapes

Stamped And Decorative Asphalt Ideas for Hardscaping:

Idea 01: Stamp Your Asphalt with A Unique Design

Stamped asphalt works well for imitating pavers and blocks. You may choose your preferred paver texture and leave your home driveway’s original asphalt tones. Here are a few examples of designs we can offer:

  1. Chevron design: This design is achieved by cutting V-shaped lines into the asphalt. This stamped asphalt style is ideal for those looking to give their property a bit of refinement.
  2. Herringbone design: This design is made by working two colors of asphalt together in a crisscross pattern. This old design is making a comeback in many modern-day stamped asphalt driveways.
  3. Basket weave design: This is one of the more intricate designs, and it’s achieved by placing two colors of asphalt in a crisscross pattern, then adding a third color placed over the top in a diagonal pattern.
  4. Cobblestone design: The combination of random Frisco and stone with earthy asphalt staining is a luxurious budget match.
  5. Slate design: This design uses a slate stamping mat.
  6. Brick design: As the name suggests, this design is made to look like bricks. It’s achieved by using a brick stamping mat.
  7. Illuminated surfaces: You can add illuminated surfaces to your stamped asphalt. This is accomplished by covering the asphalt with a coating of photoluminescent aggregate.

Idea 02: Staining the Asphalt

Asphalt is naturally dark gray or black, and these colors absorb heat, making for a warm evening as the heat is reflected. Adding color to the HMA before paving is one approach to stop that. Stained asphalt has recently gained popularity for municipal color-coded pavement. By adding earthy tones, you may reduce the temperature in the city and make it look more appealing.

There is no reason why stained and stamped asphalt shouldn’t be used together in home hardscapes. After all, they are both pavements. The two methods enhance each other. Stamped asphalt can provide the patterns, while stained asphalt can provide the colors—or vice versa.

Color is not the only way to make stamped asphalt unique. You can also use it to add dimensionality and lighten up an area. For instance, you can create an illusion of depth by using a lighter color for the background and a darker color for the stamps.

Idea 03: Use Acrylic Paints on Asphalt

The more adhesive asphalt paint alternatives are acrylic paints. If you decide against staining your asphalt for any reason, you may always apply paint to highlight the edges of the imprinted grooves further. It is very ambitious yet helpful if the hardscape is a playground for kids.

You can use it to add visual interest to an otherwise flat and dull surface. You can use acrylic paints to create a variety of scenes, from seascapes to mountain ranges. The finest aspect of this approach is how simple and equipment-free it is to execute.

Related: 8 top trends for stamped asphalt in 2022.

Ending Note:

When it comes to decorative stamped asphalt, the sky is the limit. You can choose from various patterns and colors to create a unique look for your home. If you are unsure what you want, you can always consult a professional installer to get some ideas. No matter what you choose, stamped asphalt is an excellent choice for your hardscape.

Ready to get started? Contact Laurel Asphalt serving Altoona, PA, today for a free estimate! Our professional workers would love to help you create a stunning hardscape that will increase your home’s curb appeal.

Get a free estimate today!

Asphalt Paving Alert: Why You Need To Start Fixing Potholes

Key Takeaways:

  • Potholes are deep depressions in an asphalt pavement
  • Common causes are the elements, improper drainage, and heavy traffic
  • If not addressed, potholes can lead to complete pavement failure
  • Pothole repair solutions include cold patch, hot mix, and infrared patching
  • Laurel Asphalt provides premier asphalt paving solutions in Johnstown.

Asphalt paving is one of the most popular choices for pavement in the United States. Not only does asphalt provide a strong and sturdy surface, but it is also cost-effective.

However, asphalt is not immune to damage, and potholes are a common sight on many roads. If you notice increased damage on your asphalt surface, it’s time to start fixing potholes!

This blog post will disclose signs that your asphalt pavement needs pothole repair and explore some solutions. Keep scrolling to learn more!

What Are Potholes?

If you haven’t bumped into one, potholes are small craters that form in asphalt. They result from a combination of water and vehicular traffic. Water enters cracks in the asphalt, which expands when it freezes and contracts when it thaws. This process weakens the asphalt and causes it to crumble.

Potholes can range in size anywhere from a few inches to several feet. They usually spring from a pre-existing crack in the asphalt. If you find a pothole on your asphalt paving, it’s crucial to take action as soon as possible. Untreated potholes will only grow larger and cause more damage.

What Causes Potholes?

Two common culprits for the creation of potholes are water and vehicular traffic. Water seeps into cracks in the asphalt, expanding when it freezes and contracting when it thaws. This process weakens the asphalt and causes it to crumble.

Potholes can also be caused by tree roots growing beneath the asphalt surface and by utility cuts made in the asphalt. When vehicles drive over these weak spots, it can cause the asphalt to collapse and create a pothole.

Why Should I Fix Potholes?

Most people will immediately answer this question by pointing out potholes’ obvious safety hazards. After all, no one wants to damage their vehicle or risk tripping over a pothole.

That’s not the only reason to fix potholes, however.

No. 1: Prevention

One minor pothole doesn’t mean a death sentence for your paving. However, if you don’t take care of it immediately, that one pothole can quickly turn into two or three.

Before you know it, you’ll have a full-blown pavement disaster on your hands. It’s much easier to fix potholes as they appear rather than wait until the problem gets out of control. Save yourself the headache by being proactive about pothole repairs.

No. 2: Reduction

Long-term repairs won’t only cost you time but also a good bit of your money. By fixing potholes as soon as they appear, you can save yourself paving costs in the future.

It’s important to remember that asphalt paving is an investment. Like any other investment, you need to take care of it to get the most out. By being proactive about pothole repair, you can extend the lifespan of your pavement and avoid having to replace it prematurely.

No. 3: Appeal

Your asphalt paving is one of the first things visitors see when visiting your home or business. First impressions matter, so you should ensure that your pavement is in good condition. By repairing potholes, you can improve the curb appeal of your property and make it more inviting for visitors.

No. 4: Solutions

Another excellent reason to fix potholes is that several solutions are readily available and easy to implement. Compare that to removing your entire pavement and starting from scratch – it’s a much more time-consuming and expensive process.

What Solutions Are Available?

Suppose you’re fortunate enough to catch a pothole early on. In that case, you’ll have various asphalt repair options. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular methods:

  1. Cold Patch: This is one of the most common asphalt repair methods. This method involves using a pre-mixed asphalt that comes in a bag – you pour it into the pothole, compact it down, and voila! The asphalt will set and harden over time, creating a seamless repair. However, this is a temporary solution!
  2. Hot Mix: Hot mix asphalt is a more permanent repair solution. This method involves heating asphalt to high temperatures and mixing it with aggregate. Once it cools, the asphalt will be as strong as new.
  3. Infrared Patching: Infrared patching is another popular asphalt repair method. This method uses infrared technology to heat up the existing asphalt surrounding the pothole. Once heated, new asphalt can be added to the area and compacted down.

Of course, your asphalt paving isn’t invincible and will eventually need to be replaced. However, by repairing potholes as soon as they form, you can help prolong the life of your asphalt and avoid more costly repairs down the road.

When Should I Consider Replacement?

There’s only so much that regular and rigorous maintenance can do. At some point, your asphalt pavement will reach the end of its lifespan and will need replacement. Aside from potholes, some common signs that your asphalt needs to retire include:

No. 1: Alligator Cracks

As treacherous as their name suggests, alligator cracks are a significant sign that asphalt needs to be replaced. Also known as fatigue cracks, alligator cracks form when the asphalt is weak due to excessive weight or stress. The cracks typically start small but quickly spread and deepen if left unaddressed.

You can repair alligator cracks, but they will only be temporary fixes.

No. 2: Standing Water

Heavy rains can cause asphalt to deteriorate faster. If you notice puddles or standing water on your asphalt, it’s a sign that the asphalt isn’t draining properly and needs urgent attention.

While you can improve your pavement’s slope to facilitate drainage, it’s usually best to consult with a professional asphalt company to determine the problem’s underlying cause and ensure it is properly fixed.

If left untreated, standing water will eventually lead to potholes. These, in turn, will aggravate underlying issues and drive a need for replacement.

No. 3: Faded Pavement

It’s a given that exposure to everything from the elements to vehicular traffic will cause asphalt to fade over time. If your pavement has traded its rich black color for a grey hue, it’s time to investigate the cause.

A professional contractor can tell you if the asphalt needs sealcoating or if it’s time for repaving. Asphalt Institute answers the most frequently asked questions if you’d like more info on asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation.


That was our short and straightforward guide to repairing potholes and asphalt paving. If you’d like some more tips on appeal and function, check out our blog post on how to make your commercial property more driver-friendly.

At Laurel Asphalt, we’re always happy to provide tried and trustworthy services in Johnstown, PA, so feel free to get your free estimate today!

8 Top Trends For Stamped Asphalt In 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • Stamped asphalt is a decorative pavement that can add curb appeal and value to your home and commercial building.
  • It is chosen for many reasons: it is cost-effective, low maintenance, and environment friendly.
  • Stamped asphalt trends in 2022 include returning classic patterns, using new colors and textures, and installing stamped asphalt in unique locations.

Amazingly, we’re already discussing trends for 2022, but here we are! If you’re thinking about having your parking lot or driveway paved shortly, you’ll want to keep these trends in mind. Stamped asphalt is becoming increasingly popular every year as people are looking for ways to add a hint of elegance and luxury to their homes and commercial buildings. In this blog post, Laurel Asphalt will look at some of the most popular stamped asphalt designs for 2022. Keep reading to learn more!

What is stamped asphalt?

Asphalt stamping is a clever and sophisticated method that turns regular asphalt into surfaces that resemble brick or stone. It is created by imprinting a design into wet asphalt and then adding color or stamps to the design. This type of pavement can be used for driveways, sidewalks, patios, and more.

Process of asphalt stamping:

Asphalt stamping begins with the creation of a design. Once the design is finalized, it is transferred to a large piece of equipment called a stencil. Then combination of heat, a stamping template, and a plate compactor is used to imprint the design into the surface. After the design is stamped, color or stamps are added to create the desired look.

Why stamped asphalt?

There are many reasons to choose stamped asphalt over other types of pavement. Some benefits include:

Stamped asphalt is more durable than regular asphalt:

The process of stamping asphalt makes it denser and more compact, which in turn makes it more resistant to cracking and potholes.

Stamped asphalt is low maintenance:

Once stamped asphalt is installed, there is very little upkeep required. Unlike other forms of pavement, stamped asphalt is stain-resistant and does not require sealing or resealing.

Stamped asphalt is cost-effective:

You may improve the curb appeal of your house without spending a fortune. Stamped asphalt is relatively reasonably priced when compared to other driveway materials. You will spend less money installing it because it is simple.

Stamped asphalt is safe:

It has a non-skid surface that is slip-resistant, making it an excellent choice for driveways, sidewalks, and other areas where people walk. It is also resistant to potholes and cracking, creating trip hazards.

Environment friendly:

Stamped asphalt is environmentally friendly and manufactured from recycled materials. According to the ENERGY STAR Program for Asphalt Pavement, its building process emits up to 80% less CO2 than conventional asphalt paving (EPA, 2012).

Improves curb appeal:

A beautiful driveway or elegant sideways can increase your home’s or commercial property’s curb appeal, increasing its value. Stamped asphalt is a great way to achieve this without spending much money.

Top trends for stamped asphalt in 2022:

Trend 01: The classic herringbone design is making a comeback

The herringbone design was once the most popular choice for stamped asphalt. However, it fell out of favor recently due to its more traditional appearance. However, since more and more people are looking for timeless designs, it is currently making a strong comeback.

It is created by stamping a series of overlapping V-shaped patterns into the asphalt.

Trend 02: The chevron design is perfect for modern homes

The chevron design is a modern take on the classic herringbone design. It is created by stamping a series of overlapping V-shaped patterns into the asphalt. This stamped asphalt trend is perfect for those who want to add a touch of sophistication to their property.

Trend 03: Brick patterns are popular

Brick patterns have always been popular for stamped asphalt. They give off a rustic and old-world charm that is hard to resist. Since they can replicate the appearance of genuine brick pavers, they have recently grown in popularity.

You can use brink pattern stamps to create various looks, from classic brick sidewalks to modern patio designs.

Trend 04: Tile patterns with a pop of color

Tile patterns are another popular choice for stamped asphalt. From traditional tile flooring to contemporary abstract designs, you can use them to produce a variety of appearances.

One of the best things about tile patterns is that they can be customized with a pop of color. This added touch can make your design stand out from the rest.

Trend 05: Printing business names with stamping patterns

Another popular trend for stamped asphalt is printing business names with stamping patterns. This is a fantastic approach to advertise your company and make it simple for clients to locate you. 

Professional asphalt paver can do this in many ways, including utilizing stencils and making unique stamps. Whatever method you choose, this is sure to be a hit with customers.

Trend 06: Adding borders with stamped asphalt

Another popular trend for stamped asphalt is adding borders with stamped asphalt. Different border patterns define your space and make it look more polished. There are a variety of different ways to add borders with stamped asphalt. You can use it to create a pathway around your property, or you can use it to create a border around your gardens.

Trend 07: Using two different designs of stamped asphalt

If you want to add a little variety to your stamped asphalt, you can try using two different designs. Unique designs add interest to your space and make it more beautiful. You can use different colors or patterns to create this look.

Trend 08: Illuminated surfaces

 This trend is all about creating a surface that is illuminated. This can be done using stamps that create a reflective surface or by adding lights to the asphalt.

So there you have it, the main trends for stamped asphalt in 2022. Be sure to keep these in mind when planning your next project.

At Laurel Asphalt serving Ebensburg, we are experts at asphalt stamping. Regardless of the size or requirements, we complete every job with the highest care and employ high-quality materials.

Get a free estimate today!

Parking Lots & Markings– What’s There That’s So Important?

If you own or you’re responsible for commercial paving lot, you appreciate the importance of understanding the parking lot markings on asphalt paving. After all, it’s your job to ensure the safety of everyone who uses the parking lot.

However, for those who have doubts, Laurel Asphalt has compiled a list of reasons to understand parking lot markings.

Keep scrolling to learn more!

No. 1: The Meanings

There are various paint colors used for parking lot markings. The three most common colors are white, yellow, and blue. Red and decorative markings are also used occasionally.

  1. White and Yellow Parking Lines: The lines for parking spaces are usually white or yellow. Pending curb appeal, local requirements, and sometimes the owner’s preference will dictate the color used for the parking lines. Yellow does provide a slight advantage in the northern climates when the parking lots are partially covered with snow in the winter season. 
  2. White and Yellow Markings: These two colors provide other distinguished uses in a parking lot. Yellow indicates areas where drivers need to use extra caution. These areas can be entrances, exits, speed bumps, curbs designated for no parking, and double yellow lines heavily traveled traffic lanes. White is more commonly used for arrows, crosswalks, and stop bars.
  3. Blue: Representing handicap parking, line stripers use this color to indicate reserved areas for vehicles with disabilities.
  4. Red: This color is occasionally used for areas for curbs or diagonal lines to indicate fire lane areas. Yellow is sometimes used in fire lane areas also.
  5. Decorative Crosswalks: Decorative markings are used many times to highlight the crosswalks to make these walkways more visible for the motorists and pedestrians to provide added alertness for safety. The decorative markings can also provide added curb appeal.

As you can see, parking lot markings help create a safe and organized space for vehicles to park and drive and maintain added safety for pedestrians.

No. 2: Faded Lines

A commercial property owner should understand that faint lines on the asphalt paving are a safety hazard. When the lines are no longer visible, it becomes difficult for drivers to know where to park and where not. This can lead to accidents and damage to property.

As a result, your commercial paving lot will be vulnerable to lawsuits and reputation damage, especially if a person with a disability is involved in an accident. You can avoid this by ensuring that the parking lot markings are always visible.

No. 3: Better Experience

Understanding parking lot markings can also help you provide a better customer experience. For instance, if you have a loading zone, you can make it clear where it begins and ends with the correct markings. This will ensure delivery trucks can park in the designated area without blocking traffic.

You can also use parking lot markings to create more space for handicapped parking or electric vehicle charging stations. By doing this, you can make your business more appealing.

No. 4: Safer Environment

Other components besides stripes and markings on your asphalt pavement can make your parking lot safer. For example, speed bumps can help control traffic and prevent accidents. Speed bumps are usually placed near crosswalks or pedestrian walkways to keep cars from going too fast and hitting pedestrians.

Including curb ramps on your commercial paving lot can make it more accessible for people with disabilities. Curb ramps help people in wheelchairs or with strollers get onto the sidewalk from the street.


A commercial asphalt paving project is a significant investment. You want to ensure that it will last many years and withstand heavy traffic. Understanding parking lot markings and other features will help you make the best decisions for your business.

Laurel Asphalt has been helping businesses with their commercial paving needs for over 25 years. We are a family-owned business that takes pride in our work in Greensburg, Ligonier, Somerset, and Johnstown areas in Pennsylvania PA.

Get a free estimate and save your business today!

The Practical Difference Between Hot Pour Crack Sealer Vs. Cold Pour Crack Sealer

Asphalt surfaces often succumb to the effects of weathering and cracking over time. While some fractures are simply cosmetic, others can lead to bigger problems down the road if left untreated. If you’re handy with a sealant and a caulking gun, you may be wondering what the best way to seal cracks in your asphalt driveway or patio is: hot pour crack sealer or cold pour crack sealer?

Let’s look at each method a bit closer to help you decide which is suitable for your project.

Why is a Sealant Needed?

Sealing pavement cracks is essential because it helps to prevent water from seeping into the cracks and causing further damage. It also keeps out vegetation, dirt, and debris that lead to pavement deterioration.

How Does Hot Pour Crack Sealing Work?

This process involves filling cracks with a hot, melted sealant. This method is often used for pavement cracks that are wider or deeper than ¼ inch. The advantage of hot pour crack sealing is that it can be done in a shorter amount of time and provides a more seamless seal.

Here are some other characteristics and benefits of a hot pour crack sealer:

  • It can be used for highways, commercial driveways, parking lots, and main roads
  • It can withstand heavy traffic like cars, trucks, and RVs
  • It is pricier than cold pour pavement crack sealer but provides a more permanent solution
  • The application process takes a shorter time
  • It adjusts to weather changes and can withstand extreme temperatures
  • Is always asphalt-based

How Does a Cold Pour Crack Sealer Work?

This is a denser material applied at a lower temperature. It is suitable for pavement cracks that are shallower than ¼ inch. The advantage of using a cold pour crack sealer is that it can be applied in wet or dry conditions.

Below are some other characteristics of a cold pour crack sealer:

  • It is delivered to the site in liquid form
  • It needs more curing time
  • It becomes inflexible when dry, which means it can’t adjust to changes in temperature changes
  • It offers a temporary solution for severe damages
  • It is not as durable due to its inflexibility
  • It doesn’t bond with asphalt too well, so there’s a chance you’ll have to get those cracks repaired repeatedly.

What Is the Key Difference Between Hot Pour Crack Sealers and Cold Pour Crack Sealers?

The main difference is the temperature at which each sealant is applied. This temperature difference further affects the cure time, pavement bonding strength, and flexibility of each sealant.

Which Type of Crack Sealer Should I Use?

The pavement crack sealer you should use depends on the cracks’ severity, the area’s temperature range, and your budget.

If the pavement cracks are small and not very deep, you can use a cold pour crack sealer. It is best applied in the fall or spring when the temperature is cool.

However, if the pavement cracks are large or deep, you will need to use a hot pour crack sealer. It can be applied in any temperature range but is best used in the summer when it is hot.


Laurel Asphalt is a full-service asphalt paving company that provides crack sealing services to homeowners and businesses in Ligonier. If you need high-quality asphalt paving or sealcoating services, please get a free estimate before starting out.

The Joy Of Shooting Hoops: Why Recreation Centers Must Install Community Basketball Courts

Basketball is one of America’s favorite sports, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. That’s why it’s so crucial for recreation centers to install community basketball courts – so that everyone can shoot hoops!

In this blog post, Laurel Asphalt will explore why community basketball courts are so important. From helping people stay active and healthy to providing a sense of community, there are many benefits to having basketball courts near Mt. Pleasant, MI, in your local recreation center.

So, why are community basketball courts so important? Let’s take a look.

Helps Residents You Stay Fit and Healthy:

You must exercise regularly to promote general health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance mental well-being. According to the CDC, only about one-third of Americans get enough physical activity each week.

One way to help increase physical activity levels is by installing community basketball courts. This way, people of all ages can come to the recreation center and shoot some hoops. Not only will this help residents stay fit and healthy, but it will also give them a chance to socialize and have fun.

Boosts Community Morale:

In addition to improving physical health, community basketball courts can also boost community morale. When people come together and have fun, it can make the community a better place to live.

Provides a Sense of Belonging:

In addition to helping people stay healthy, community basketball courts can also provide a sense of community. They can be a great place to meet new people and make friends.

When people feel like they belong, they’re more likely to be engaged in their community. People who experience a sense of belonging have better mental health and general well-being.

Makes Residents Socially Active:

Basketball courts can also help to make residents socially active. A study by the University of Michigan found that people who live in areas with community basketball courts are more likely to be active and engaged in their community.

Have a Positive Effect on Mental Health:

Basketball may contribute to improved mental health. An analysis by the University of North Carolina found that basketball players have lower anxiety and stress levels. Basketball can also help to improve mood and increase self-esteem.

Boosts Property Values:

Another benefit of having a community basketball court is that it can boost property values. A National Association of Realtors study found that homes near recreation facilities, like basketball courts, tend to have higher resale values.

Open for All:

The finest thing about basketball is that it’s a sport for everyone. Unlike some sports, there is no age limit on playing basketball. Whether you’re five or fifty, you can enjoy shooting hoops. Basketball is also relatively inexpensive to play, which makes it accessible to people of all income levels.

Bottom Line:

Basketball is the perfect choice if you’re looking for a recreational activity that will increase your heart rate. Not only is it great exercise, but playing basketball can be a lot of fun. And what could be more enjoyable than shooting hoops with friends and family in your community?

That’s why Laurel Asphalt is proud to offer our services for installing high-quality community basketball courts in Mt. Pleasant, MI. We understand the significance of providing residents with access to recreation, and our courts are built to last. So if you’re interested in adding a little excitement to your neighborhood, call us today for a free estimate!